Does the soul have weight?
How to weigh the soul? Does the soul exist in the first place?
Let’s think about the soul so that even children can understand it!
- 【Introduction】How to weigh the soul
- Is there a difference between weight and mass?
- What is weight (weight)?
【Introduction】How to weigh the soul
Does the soul have weight? Where does the soul go when it dies? It is assumed that there is heaven or hell in the afterlife. The soul is also inseparable religiously. It is said that after death, the soul escapes from our body and travels to the afterlife. Such a sacred soul, but does there be weight and mass in the soul? More than 100 years ago, someone had such a question. It’s a question that approaches the very essence of life. But if your soul has weight, you may not be able to fly. Will you take the escalator-style stairs in the cartoon Tom and Jerry to heaven? It may be possible to think scientifically that the soul has weight. Let’s think from the scientific side!
Is there a difference between weight and mass?
First, let’s review the weight. Very heavy gold nuggets, weight gaining every day… There are various weights. Yes, weight is a very wonderful thing, and it can be a very depressing thing. What is the difference between mass and weight that we often hear about? Is there a difference between mass and weight?
What is mass?
Mass is a quantity that expresses the difficulty of moving an object, unlike the way it is weighted. The unit of mass is kg. In zero gravity, all objects weigh zero. However, the mass is the same as the gravitational space in zero gravity. It is the weight of the object that does not change no matter what environment the object is in. The greater the mass, the more force is required to move the object. This is no different in weightless space. In other words, the magnitude of inertia is the mass. The mass of an object does not change on Earth, on the Moon, on Mars or in outer space.
The weight we usually weigh is mass.
What is inertia?
Inertia is the property of trying to maintain the state of motion immediately before, and the current state of motion does not change unless it is subjected to the action of a force from others.
What is weight (weight)?
The magnitude of gravity acting on an object is called weight. Since it expresses the magnitude of the force, the unit of weight is N (newton). The weight changes as gravity changes. A person with a mass of 60 kg on Earth weighs about 10 kg, about 1/6 (about 100 N) on the moon, which has a gravity of about 1/6 of the earth. In zero gravity, the weight disappears, and it becomes 0 kg, that is, weightless.
What is N (Newton)?
1N is the force that accelerates a 1 kg object by1 m/s 2. 100N is about 10 kg.
1kgf = 9.80665 N In general, the conversion of 1kgf = 9.8 N is used. To make N a kgf, you only need to divide it by 9.8. 100N = 100/9.8 =10.2 kgf
【Strange Experiment】What is the experiment to weigh the soul?
At the beginning of the 20th century (1901), Duncan McDougall, a physician from Massachusetts, USA, conducted a strange experiment. Dr. Duncan McDougall thought, “If man has a soul, then the soul must occupy space, and if it occupies space, it must have weight.” If we assume that the soul is an object, then the soul is considered to have “weight”. Dr. McDougall placed the dying sick man on a bed and scales to see if he lost weight the moment he took his last breath. He thought that if he could see a clear weight loss immediately before and after death, he could prove that the soul was an object. Dr. McDougall accurately recorded the total time each patient was in bed, the time they died, and recorded changes in weight at the moment of death. It is said that body fluids, sweat, urine, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. were also taken into account. And as a result of that strange experiment, he came to the conclusion that the human soul weighed 21 grams (three-quarters of an ounce).
[Strange experimental results] All the results were 21 grams?
In fact, it is said that only the first one to get a result of 21 g (three-quarters ounces). When the second subject died at the moment of death, he lost about 14 grams (0.5 ounces) of weight after 15 minutes. When the third subject died at the moment of death, it was observed that there was a two-step change: losing about 14 grams (0.5 ounces) of body weight and then about 28.3 grams (1 ounce) one minute later. When the fourth subject died at the moment of death, we discarded the data, saying that “there was interference by those who opposed our experiment, and the scales were not properly adjusted.” When the fifth subject died, the figure was reduced by 10.6 grams (0.375 ounces), but the scale malfunctioned, leaving the numbers questionable. The sixth person died while adjusting the scales, so this data was also invalidated. McDougall also experimented with 15 dogs at the same time, but no weight loss was observed. Was. McDougall had a unique statement about this: “It seems that not all dogs will definitely go to heaven.” It’s clumsy with a punchline … I have to say that the content and results of the experiment were poor, but I think the focus was excellent. Even cloning experiments are a world where ethics are at stake. Death is very sacred in religious terms, and it must be said that it is great in many ways that this experiment was carried out at a time when the power of religion was even stronger than it is now. This is because it is considered to be a question that approaches the very essence of life.

What is the weight of the soul from the perspective of the theory of relativity?
So far, Dr. McDougall’s bizarre experiment has had such a strong impact that many people think that trying to weigh their souls is a laughing matter. Does the soul really exist? If the soul is real, what will be its weight and its way of being? Let’s actually fantasize about whether the soul is real.
Mass is i.e. energy
The theory of relativity concludes that mass is equivalent to energy. In other words, the more energy you have, the greater the mass. It is easy to understand that warm milk has more mass due to thermal energy than cold milk.
The energy of nuclear fission
Nuclear fission generates a large amount of thermal energy. How much energy is generated by nuclear fission of uranium? Just one gram of uranium-235 can produce enough energy for 3 tons of coal and 2,000 liters of oil. By the way, nuclear fission is different from the usual chemical reaction in which atoms change, so the law of conservation of mass does not hold. In atomic bombs and nuclear power generation, the atomic nucleus artificially splits and the decrease in mass at that time becomes a large amount of energy.
Incidentally, it is said that the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in World War II lost only about 0.7 gof mass.
Does energy have weight?
“E=mc²” is the most famous formula in the world derived by Einstein from his special theory of relativity. This formula means that even a small amount of matter contains an enormous amount of energy. From E=mc², we can see that energy can be extracted from matter, and matter can also be created from energy. E = energy m = mass c = speed of light
Isn’t the soul the energy itself?
As long as we stick to the numerical value of whether the soul has mass, it is thought that there will be no answer. Realistically, we humans have an ego and are able to perceive the world. It is thought that energy that can be compared to mental power is called the soul. The energy required to sustain our ego is estimated to be immeasurable. Remember the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, even if the soul weighed 21 grams, it could be a tremendous amount of energy.
Einstein’s Love Formula
Einstein’s letter to his daughter Liezel Einstein reads: To give visibility to love, I made a simple substitute with my most famous equation. Instead of “E=mc²“, I approve: He came to the conclusion that the energy to heal the world can be obtained by love that multiplies at the square of the speed of light, and that love is the greatest power that exists because love has no limits.The love that has been passed down from our ancestors exists without changing its essence even if its form changes. Maybe the energy of the soul is the power of love.
【Finally】What is Tamashii?
Can we weigh our souls? Dr. McDougall was so successful that the results did not follow. Also, it is undeniable that there was a lack of data. So does the soul not exist? In recent years, an article about the weight of the soul in a scientific journal ended with the word religious. The soul is thought of as a Pandora’s box filled with not only life but also the mysteries of the universe. I even feel that it is deeply involved in some of the rules of this world that even Einstein could not discover. Dark matter, dark energy, etc., the universe is full of unknown substances. Only about 5% of matter is perceived by mankind in space. When humans scientifically elucidate dark matter, dark energy, etc., we may be able to understand the mysteries of the universe and the answers to the soul. However, whether humanity should know this is a complicated matter. In conclusion, it must be said that it is difficult to weigh the soul at present. However, it does exist and gives us infinite energy. If we assume that the soul is part of a certain aggregate of this world, if we convert its energy into mass, it may be as massive as creating the universe. Or it might be fun to fantasize that 21g will turn into enough energy to make up the universe.
Your parents love you. And it’s permanent. No matter what, that much is the truth of the world.
What is dark matter and dark energy?
Of the matter and energy that exists in the universe, about 27% is hypothetical matter called “dark matter” and about 68% is hypothetical energy called “dark energy”. It is said that the substance we perceive is only about 5% left. Dark matter is an important key to solving mysteries about the universe and elementary particles.
What is Pandora’s Box
The origin of “Pandora’s Box” is Greek mythology. To explain it simply, the god Prometheus gave fire to ignorant humans. Since fire belonged to the gods, Zeus, the supreme god, became angry when he learned about this, and made a human woman named Pandora and sent it to the human world with a box. The contents of the box contained all kinds of calamities, misfortunes, and evils. Unaware of this, Pandora opens the box out of curiosity. Misfortune, misfortune, and evil spread in the human world. When Pandora hurriedly closed the box, only Hope remained in the box.


Khrapatyi (ふらぱてぃ)
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This is a blog that focuses on child-rearing articles, YouTube video introductions, and miscellaneous articles from a professional and father's perspective by a social worker.
♥ Furari-chan (6 years old) The most beautiful girl in Japan. Gluttonous but small meal. I love cute things.
♥ Funi-kun (8 years old) A timid but kind brother. I love Pokemon.
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